Balance Carried
Forward from 2010 |
9262.75 |
Jan 4 11 |
65.40 |
BTC 5 NP JAN 60.50 @ .08 |
13.25 |
(53.25) |
9209.50 |
Jan 4 11 |
65.40 |
STO 5 Puts Jan 62.50 @ .28 |
13.25 |
31263.25 |
126.75 |
0.40 |
9336.25 |
Jan 4 2011: Today
I closed the 5 Puts Jan 60. as Pepsi stock has remained
steady and the put premiums have evaporated again. At this
point I am going to sell the 5 Puts for Jan at $62.50
for an extra .28 cents as the stock technically looks like
it will hold above 65 for the next three weeks. I wouldn't
recommend this trade but as I have already some Puts
at 62.50 and built up 9200.00 in capital, I would roll my
Puts should the stock pull back in the next 3 weeks. .

Jan 21 11 |
65.87 |
Expiry 9 Puts Jan 62.50 expired |
Jan 26 2011: Since
expiry PepsiCo stock has pulled back. This is getting to be
pretty common with so many of my stocks. They run up the day
before options expiry and then sell off. The 10 day is
showing a possible downward move for Pepsi stock prices. Momentum is just
turning negative but MACD is showing a widening negative
divergence which could indicate more selling to come. I will
watch for a few more days as I really would prefer to stay
at the $62.5 strike for my Puts. If I sell now the
premium is around three quarters of a percent but if I
wait and the stock pulls back to below 64.00 the 62.50
should be worth over 1%. .

Jan 31 11 |
64.25 |
STO 4 Puts Feb $62.50 @ .44 |
12.00 |
25012.00 |
164.00 |
0.65 |
9500.25 |
Jan 31 2011: The
stock has had the pullback but since this is Pepsi I am sure
it will take a couple of weeks to get much lower and much
meaning to $63.00. Pepsi is a very strong stock so the
chance of a major pullback is not high. I sold just 4 Puts today and will keep waiting but the premiums are less
than three quarters of a percent for Feb at the 62.50
strike. .

Feb 7 11 |
63.35 |
STO 5 Puts Mar $62.50 @ .89
COMMENTS: Finally the stock is down and I have sold out to
March for 1.4% - when added to the 0.70% I am pretty close
to 1% a month for Feb and March. |
13.25 |
31263.25 |
431.75 |
1.38 |
9932.00 |
Feb 18 11 |
63.41 |
Expiry: 4 Puts Feb $62.50
expired |
Feb 22 11 |
62.60 |
STO 6 Puts Apr $62.50 @ 1.62
expired |
14.50 |
37514.50 |
958.75 |
2.5 |
10890.75 |
Feb 22 2011: What
a great pullback. Hard to believe the stock hit $62.50
today. I had my sell in right away and did 6 Puts for
April as I think PepsiCo stock will recover by then and I wanted
to lock in some decent premiums. Meanwhile I still am
holding March 62.50 puts which I sold for .89 cents. Once
they expire next month perhaps the stock will still be
depressed. I kind of doubt that as even the 10 day is
already turning flat. Pepsi is a great stock to own so at
this level there are lots of buyers. .

Mar 18 11 |
63.24 |
5 Puts Mar 62.50 expired |
10890.75 |
Mar 18 2011: Two
sessions ago the stock fell below $62.50 for the second time
in a month. I should have bought shares or sold more puts or
done something. Today I could see that my Puts were
going to expire so I decided to step up and buy 300 shares
at $63.10. I am going to hold for a few days and I will
close in a week or so. I am still holding April 62.50 Puts. The 10 day SMA has crossed over the 20 day EMA which
would indicate the stock is going to recover. Time will
tell. .

Mar 18 11 |
63.24 |
Bought 300 shares @ 63.10 |
300 |
63.12 |
7.00 |
(18937.00) |
(18937.00) |
10890.75 |
Apr 5 2011: With
just a couple of weeks and a big move up again today I sold
near the close. There may be more upside but this was just a
short term trade and I want to lock in my profit on the 300
shares. This frees up my capital and meanwhile I also sold
into May at $62.50 for .44 cents. .

Apr 5 11 |
65.50 |
Sold 300 shares @ 65.50 |
0 |
7.00 |
19643.00 |
0 |
706.00 |
3.7 |
11596.75 |
Apr 5 11 |
65.50 |
STO 5 Puts May $62.50 @ .44 |
13.25 |
31263.25 |
206.75 |
0.66 |
11803.50 |
Apr 15 11 |
67.11 |
Expiry: 6 Puts Apr 62.50 expired |
May 20 11 |
71.30 |
May Options Expiry: 5 Naked Puts May
$62.50 expired |
May 20 2011: With
my May options expiring, I really believe PepsiCo is way
over valued. Coke is doing better than Pepsi and yet it is
trading at just 13 X
earnings whereas Pepsi is at 19X earnings. I have no
interest in owning PepsiCo at such over valued levels. I
will not be placing any further naked put trades until it
falls back and can push up naked put premiums on the strikes
no higher than $65.00. .

Jul 21 11 |
65.00 |
Bought 500 shares at $65.00 |
7.00 |
(32507.00) |
Jul 21 2011: After
waiting 2 months I am finally back into PepsiCo.
You can read about
today' s trade and my outlook on PepsiCo Stock here.
Below is today's movement. From the outset the stock fell
and only climbed in the last hour of trading. The is the
type of opportunity I look forward to..

Jul 21 11 |
64.90 |
Sold 5 Puts 20AUG11 $65 at 1.00
(Assigned) |
13.25 |
32513.25 |
486.75 |
1.49 |
12290.25 |
Jul 21 11 |
64.85 |
Sold 5 Puts 17SEP11 $62.50 at .70 |
13.25 |
31236.75 |
336.75 |
1.07 |
12627.00 |
Jul 21 11 |
66.10 |
Sold 500 shares at $66.10 |
7.00 |
33043.00 |
536.00 |
1.64 |
13163.00 |
Jul 25 2011:
Pepsi Stock continues to sell off and with the overall
weakness in the market, the stock is bound to fall further.
I am holding puts now at the 65.00, 62.50 and 60.00 level
(with today's sell of Oct) and I am stretched out from
August to October. As each month progresses, I will roll and
keep rolling. Pepsi Stock is pretty strong and I am
confident in the stock. It could though easily reach $62.50
is the selling intensifies in the overall market. At that
point I would buy back both my $65 and $62.60 puts and roll
further out and if possible down a strike each or split the
puts into small groups.. |
Jul 25 11 |
64.30 |
Sold 5 Puts 22OCT11 $60.00 at .82 |
13.25 |
30013.25 |
396.75 |
1.32 |
14009.75 |
Aug 19 11 |
62.07 |
Expiry: 5 PUTS 20AUG11 $65.00 Assigned
Comments: I was away for much of the day so these shares
were assigned. I much prefer to have the shares as I would
like to pick up the dividend on August 31 and sell deep in
the money covered calls against these shares. |
500 |
20.00 |
$32520.00 |
32520.00 |
Aug 31 11 |
64.50 |
Sold 5 Covered Calls 17SEP11 $62.50
for 2.95
return is the total capital invested less being exercised at
$62.50 for a profit of $171.75 / 32520.00 |
500 |
13.25 |
1461.75 |
0.52% |
15471.50 |
Aug 31 11 |
64.50 |
Dividend 500 shares X .515 |
257.50 |
15729.00 |
Sep 16 11 |
62.75 |
Expiry: BTC 5 17SEP11 $62.50 puts at
PepsiCo ended the day at $62.05 |
13.25 |
(188.25) |
15540.75 |
Sep 16 11 |
62.05 |
Expiry: 5 Covered Calls 17SEP11 $62.50
expired |
Sep 21 11 |
61.90 |
Sold 5 Covered Calls 22OCT11 $57.50 at
return is the total capital invested less income from the
two groups of covered calls sold (Sep which expired and now
Oct) and being exercised at $57.50 for a profit of $53.50 /
32520.00 |
500 |
13.25 |
2381.75 |
0.16% |
17922.50 |
Sep 22 11 |
60.10 |
Sold 5 PUTS 22OCT11 $55.00 at .56 |
13.25 |
27513.25 |
266.75 |
0.96% |
18189.25 |
Oct 21 11 |
62.28 |
Expiry: 5 Covered calls exercised at
This is an in the money covered call and as such I have
reflected the loss of capital in the appropriate column. The
entire trade made $311.00 |
20.00 |
(28730.00) |
(3790.00) |
14399.25 |
Dec 19 11 |
64.37 |
Sold 5 Naked Puts 18FEB12 $60 @ .61 |
13.25 |
30013.25 |
305.00 |
1% |
14704.25 |