Wells Fargo Stock tends to not be very volatile. As such a lot of option traders prefer to seek their returns through other stocks. I, on the other hand, prefer stocks like Wells Fargo Stock because of just that reason. The lack of volatility helps to protect my capital from losses. While it is true that it is difficult at times to earn large option premiums, there are still good returns available if trades are set up properly.

Wells Fargo Stock Trade Alert and Ideas

The last trade in Wells Fargo ended profitably on May 8. This trade had started in March as a naked calls trade which I then turned into a covered calls trade through purchasing stock and selling the May 8 expiry, $54.50 call strike.  That trade ended with my picking up the May quarterly dividend and the stock closing on May 8 above $54.50. The stock was then exercised away. All in all a nice trade with almost 2% profit for the two months it was held.

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