When trading in the market direction portfolio, it is important to understand the market environment itself. The conditions in which we are investing in the trend of the market can actually be easily understood if investors understand what drives the market and what signals to watch for. These signals or conditions never change. They have been with the market direction long before computers began trading for nickels and dimes to amass their profits. Once we are investors understand the market conditions it becomes easier to profit in all three directions – up, down and sideways. We do not need computers to do our trading but instead can learn from a simple glance at a chart once or twice daily.
Whether trading against the market direction or not has no real bearing on trading within stocks itself. Knowledge about how the market direction is functioning at present and what to expect next is imp0rtant for every investors since the market direction is the underlying current that drives over 90% of stocks. Therefore coming to grasp with the market direction condition is important to profit from stocks no matter what stocks, ETFs or options an investor is trading in.
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Profiting From Understanding Market Direction (Articles Index)
Understanding Short-Term Signals
Market Direction Portfolio Trades (Members)
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Market Direction IWM ETF Russell 2000 Fund Info
Market Direction SPY ETF 500 Fund Info