
Quick Comments on Manulife Class Action Lawsuit Claims Deadline

Oct 6, 2017 | Manulife Stock (MFC), Quick Comments, Trade Alerts and Ideas

Quick Comments On Stock Markets

Part of the afternoon and all of my evening was spent today (Oct 5) filling out the claims form for the Manulife Class Action Lawsuit.

I thought I should mention this to investors as some may have forgotten that Oct 9 is the deadline for any claim to be filed.

You can read more through this link which will take you to the form itself.

It took a lot of time to go through all my Manulife stock trades from 2004 to Feb 12 2009 and then fill in the claim forms. It is fairly straight forward but every purchase and sell of Manulife stock has to be proven with a copy of either the transaction confirmation or a monthly statement.

So for anyone who missed it, you have to make sure it is postmarked by Oct 9. As this Monday Oct 9 is a holiday in Canada, it is important that you file your claim by Friday Oct 6 so it is postmarked on time.



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