No Bounce Yet – Intraday Chart Analysis – Afternoon for June 8 2015

Jun 8, 2015 | Latest, Market Direction Portfolio, Stock Market Outlook, Stock Market Outlook Intraday Chart, VIX Index (CBOE Volatility)

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Vix Index Articles

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Stock Market Trading VIX Index Trade Alert – March 18 2013

This morning I sold my May $13 calls for $3.94 and July $13 calls for $5.00.  The May $13 calls were just bought on March 8 for $3.30 and marks a 19% gain in just a few days. The May $15 were bought for $4.65 and mark a 7.5% gain. I sold both sets of calls as the...

Stock Market Trading VIX Index Strategy Update March 14 2013

A few more questions on the VIX Index Stock Market Trading strategy from investors. This investor asks a rather interesting question on my outlook for the VIX Index. Here is the investor's question The VIX dropped below 15 today.  I remember you have stated that it...

Stock Market Trading VIX Index Strategy Update March 8 2013

For FullyInformed Members who are following the VIX Index Strategy for Stock Market Trading, today's unemployment news gave the markets a quick burst at the outset and then the market turned back sideways which was my market direction outlook last night. The VIX Index...

Stock Market Trading Spy Put Options Feb 25 2013

The market direction outlook from the weekend which you can review here was for the markets to continue under weakness. That meant that any weakness in the markets had to be taken as an opportunity for stock market trading trades. This could be any type of product but...

Stock Market Trading Comments For Feb 21 2013 at 2:30 PM

The S&P 500 has not pushed back across 1500. This is somewhat disconcerting for entering a third trade for today. I am in the process of writing up the second trade but I thought I would post this first. We have had nothing but a series of lower highs right from...

Stock Market Trading For Feb 21 2013 Using Spy Put Options

After the market closed yesterday I wrote about the market direction outlook for today and how to lay out your charts for trading today. Today I decided to do the S&P 500 once I noticed in the morning the selling the Dow. I figured if the S&P 500 can get down...

Stock Market Trading For Feb 20 2013

I have enjoyed the market direction view category in which I have been following candlestick charting analysis. I am though not a big fan of candlestick charting as a means to trade within the stock markets themselves or even as a way to follow the movement of the...