I have had a lot of emails and questions on the trading for pennies strategy. (That will be the name for this strategy on my site for easy reference). I think a lot of the questions will be easily answered through the coming weeks when I will start to post trades and charting. I hope others will post comments or send me emails at teddi@fullyinformed.com as they do their own trading as well. The whole purpose of this website is to get more “hands-on”. Sort of like a local investing club where we can trade ideas and strategies. When we work together it benefits everyone as we delve through different strategies to figure out which ones work, which don’t and when some strategies are better to employ than others. This should also assist members for when the next bear market emerges. Bear markets are actually kind of sneaky. They start when people least expect them and are normally underway for months before investors realize the bear is on them. Hopefully the Members section will be able to benefit from a bear market rather than experience large losses.
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