IWM ETF Trades For Sept 28 2012 Analyzed

Oct 1, 2012 | Trading For Pennies, Trading For Pennies Trade Alerts

IWM trades analysis for Sept 28 2012On Friday I decided to make a few changes to the strategy to see what the results would be like. I decided to watch for the extreme overbought and oversold signals from the Williams%R and Ultimate Oscillator but not necessarily buy my options at that moment. Instead I decided I would wait a bit longer for IWM to move and cross through the 5 and 10 period moving averages. I also decided to aim for .06 cents and when a trade didn’t appear like it was going to work out, to sell out and try to keep the loss to within .03 cents, which would be difficult. This content is for members only. Please Login or Become A Member

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