IWM ETF Trades For Sept 27 2012 Analyzed

Sep 30, 2012 | Trading For Pennies, Trading For Pennies Trade Alerts

Trading For Pennies Analysis for Sept 27 2012The only way to get better at doing these trades and perfecting this strategy is to analyze the trades either during the day or after. Let’s review the trade for today and determine what was good and what was bad.

First I took one loss out of the three trades. Notice how when I took the loss the commissions really added to that loss. I sold my put contracts a bit early because I didn’t want to take a .10 cents loss which is actually more than .10 cents because of the commissions being paid. As well IWM was trending sideways not down.

Of the three trades I risked at most $6500.00. The total earnings were $333.00. This content is for members only. Please Login or Become A Member

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