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  • in reply to: DD #19049
    Teddi Knight

    As best as I can figure out, if exercised, you would receive 100 shares of DD and 20 shares of CC and it would cost you $7,000 ($70 x 100). The current value would be:
    100 DD at about $59 = $5900
    20 CC at about $15.75 = $315
    Total = $6215.00

    I am holding the same date puts but at the $62 strike so at the moment, I am just barely in the money.


    in reply to: DD #19043
    Teddi Knight


    Sounds like a mess.
    Does every mess need to come out a winner? Won’t break even be enough?

    If you’re at about break even, I’d sell the whole pile of stuff and go play in a nicer yard.


    in reply to: INTC #19040
    Teddi Knight

    Intel: BlueFin Sees Production Cuts, Revenue Warning Likely

    Teddi, Do you still like the $29.50 strike for July 24? It can be had for .75


    in reply to: Fees #19035
    Teddi Knight

    Interesting discussions. I started with ETrade. I like everything about them. They are very responsive but Not a great platform for Options. I also trade with OptionExpress. Easy to use but very pricey. Recently I opened with OptionHouse (erstwhile OptionMonster). Excellent platform for Options. Very interactive and easy to use. Excellent charting facilities. They charge $4.50 flat fee plus 0.50 per contract. This is what I get with ET as well. I have very recently opened with IB to avail the Portfolio Margin option. System seem complicated but excellent pricing. I also found TOS to be very complicated but probably the best platform and very Pricey.

    in reply to: DD #19030
    Teddi Knight

    Yeah, and I thought my WMT trade was a mis-que (kind description for a screw up). I went long 500 DD at 67.20 or thereabouts with an ITM Aug 21 65 call. Now I have 100 CC shares I don’t want and a “new” OTM 65 call. If I add the various losses/ profits up it all comes out around break even (I think).
    But I was trying to sell an ITM call for an early exercise against the regular DD dividend that would normally be paid later this month. That is not working out…

    Not sure how to unravel this! I am currently exercising patience…

    in reply to: Fees #19022
    Teddi Knight

    I use OptionsXpress. They’re a bit pricier than some but I’ve been satisfied over the years with them. Many brokers seem to offer great transaction pricing but then nickel and dime you death on other areas such as charging for assignments, money transfers, etc.
    They have made some huge mistakes in the past such as releasing incorrect year end statements several years ago. But they stood up, admitted the mistake, and made it right.
    The trading platform is easy to understand and works well for my purposes.


    in reply to: DD #19007
    Teddi Knight

    Had 2 CSP on DD–STO 2 DD Aug 67.5 P. After the Chemours (CC) spin off on 2 July, my position was adjusted by taking away my 2 DD puts and adding 2 CC20 short puts. I don’t understand this. Anyone with similar experience.

    in reply to: DD #19006
    Teddi Knight

    That’s a tough one, because finding support for DD post spin off is impossible I think. I don’t know much about the spin off, but DD traded terribly today, so selling CC might just dig you in further.

    in reply to: DD #19005
    Teddi Knight

    okay I sold 63.5 puts for JUL15 and JUL4, on 6/30 could be worse timing, do I roll down or get assigned and sell CC.

    in reply to: GMCR – OUCH Further! #19003
    Teddi Knight

    WOW, I don’t think you are being ignored, I just looked at the chart, and OMG… filled the gap from early 2014, and blew past that, and I can’t see any real support. It is at the lower b band, FWIW, but fixing this one is a Teddi job which is probably why there aren’t a lot of suggestions.

    Somewhere on her site is a place where you can request special help for a fee. I know you have lost already and adding more to the mess isn’t easy, but Teddi’s advice is well worth whatever she would charge. So many people ask for free help, and expect a quick answer. She is only human and has only so much time.

    Good luck….been there more than once. You will recover.


    in reply to: XBI #19002
    Teddi Knight

    BTC XBI CALLS @ .65

    profit is a profit, finally!


    in reply to: DFS #19001
    Teddi Knight



    in reply to: DFS #19000
    Teddi Knight

    STO DFS Jul 24 puts 57 for .70

    in reply to: DFS #18999
    Teddi Knight

    what is your strike price?


    in reply to: 9% for a Month in JNJ Stock #18998
    Teddi Knight

    Interesting factoid about JNJ:

    Johnson & Johnson is one of only three companies listed for trading within the United States that bears the AAA-credit rating.


    in reply to: POT heads #18997
    Teddi Knight

    aha, lol
    I thought there was an error in the stock symbol:)
    At least you know someone read the post!


    in reply to: POT heads #18995
    Teddi Knight

    YA, I meant to type SASK. of CAN. but fat fingers got in the way.

    in reply to: POT heads #18994
    Teddi Knight

    Are you talking about POTASH? That is a Canadian fertilizer company.

    Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc., together with its subsidiaries, produces and sells fertilizers and related industrial and feed products worldwide.


    in reply to: 9% for a Month in JNJ Stock #18993
    Teddi Knight

    yep, and jobs number tomorrow:)

    in reply to: Waiting for the rally? Anybody home…? #18992
    Teddi Knight

    REALLY… WMT is in death mode. What’s the story?

    Slave wages in China getting too high? Got overstocked in Confederate Battle Flags and the Southerners are angry? Oh… OH! I got it. Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories (Google it if you don’t know) has an underground network from Walmarts in rural TX and ‘they’ are gonna lock up ‘gun owners’ there and use ’em for slave labor. That’d be a downer for WMT for sure. You’d think that with all that slave labor available, it’d be a plus for the company, but….

    in reply to: Waiting for the rally? Anybody home…? #18990
    Teddi Knight

    I have a few: 17 Jul XOM $82.50 (went under today), 24 Jul INTC $30.50, Took assignment last week of INTC 26 Jun $31.50 (can you imagine I could have closed on the Thursday for 1 or 2 cents, 7 Aug WMT $72 (already rolled down and out and added twice from $74) and 21 Aug KO $40 (a roll far out and down from much earlier in the year).

    in reply to: 9% for a Month in JNJ Stock #18989
    Teddi Knight

    You’re in better shape than I am. I have some old puts @ 98 for Jul 10.
    And I’m a bit minus at this point.

    I’m considering taking the stock if it closes down from here, since the ATM call premiums seem to be juicy.

    We’ll have to see how the roulette wheel comes up for next week, I guess.

    in reply to: Fees #18984
    Teddi Knight

    Yeah. If you’re calling with non-trade issues during the trading day, Cust Svc can be slow, or if you’re not a customer. Usually it’s not too, too long, though. Try after hours if you’re waiting a long time. Personally I don’t think 12 min is a long time for a non-trade matter.

    Remember: they are oriented to active traders.

    Teddi Knight

    For about 13 months now, I’ve been selling weekly SPX puts about 100 pts down, selling on Mondays. This looked like a good week to take a vacation, since anything could happen, and I don’t want to play in that environment.

    in reply to: Fees #18982
    Teddi Knight

    thank you. I’ve tried calling there customer service and after 12 min gave up. how are they at handling issues?

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