Friday saw stocks give back 3.3% of the 3 day rally. The last 30 minutes were particularly brutal as investors sold stocks heavily into the close, pushing the index from 2615 at 3:29 to 2541 by the close a drop of 2.8% in 30 minutes.
Advance Decline Numbers Outlook for Mar 30 2020
Tonight’s Market Breadth Indicator is expanded and looks at where the bear market may be heading this week and how I will be trading the volatility.
Here are the market breadth indicator signals along with advance decline numbers from the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ from the close of trading on Friday March 27 2020.
There are significant changes in the Market Breadth Indicator signals to start the week which members should review before markets open on Monday.
The market breadth indicator analysis and outlook is for FullyInformed Members.
Market Breadth Indicator – Advance Decline Numbers Outlook For Mar 30 2020
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