On Friday Aug 22 we get the first readings of the quarterly results from Canada’s banking sector when Royal Bank issues its results. Anticipation is high that results will exceed expectations. Investors continue to pile into the Canadian Bank Stocks ahead of earnings. All of my Canadian bank stock trades are producing stellar returns, but I think more lies ahead for the Canadian Bank Stocks.
Royal Bank of Canada (RY) Chart
All the bank stocks dipped a little culminated in a bottom on August 8, less than two weeks ago but as you can see in the Royal Bank Of Canada Stock chart below, accumulation was still rising. In other words, those investors selling out at what analysts thought was a top in Canadian Bank Stocks, should have viewed the accumulation technical indicator. It would have shown them that while they were dumping stock, the accumulation was rising not falling.

Royal Bank Of Canada Stock (RY) new all-time high
All the Canadian Bank stocks are following this trend, even my National Bank of Canada stock which is using the after hours strategy – moonlight strategy – to earn substantial profits when access to trading is limited during exchange hours. This strategy is good for those investors who cannot be in front of a terminal all day but want to earn above average returns.
More Profits Lie Ahead
For Canadian Bank Stocks more profits are ahead in my portfolio despite the recent rise. Here is what I am doing with some of my available capital to establish additional trades. Both of the trade strategies I am using combine profit with protection of capital. Often investors are only limited by their own experience and insight. These trades show how any investor can continue to enjoy profits while Canadian Bank Stocks prepare to release their quarterly earnings..
The rest of this article is for members. It is 2000 words in length.
Profiting From Upcoming Canadian Bank Stock Earnings
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