I entered into trading Bank of Nova Scotia Stock in February of 2014. Bank Of Nova Scotia Stock trades under the symbol BNS both on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York. I trade BNS Stock only on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canadian Dollars.
The latest update in BNS Stock trades shows that this stock now comprises half of my entire Canadian portfolio. I am continuing to trade within the stock despite the downturn.
BNS Stock Pullback
BNS Stock as investors may recall plunged on the news that they would be laying off employees and taking a one-time charge of approximately 500 million on their Caribbean and Central American operations. In other words, these locations are not performing as expected which was supposedly one of the strengths of Bank Of Nova Scotia, that it was not in the USA but instead a more Global bank. Turns out that being in the USA as TD Bank, Royal Bank of Canada and Bank Of Montreal have found out, works very well at brining in profits. Being in the Caribbean and Central America apparently does not provide the profits expected.
BNS Stock Roll-Outs and Roll-Downs
There are a large number of trades that have had to be rolled out and rolled down. You can review these in the active trade list. You will see that I have rolled many positions into December and January over the past couple of weeks.
Covered Calls Sold In The Money
You will also see that I have sold a number of covered calls position in the money as well as at the money. The In the money covered calls I have sold is to generate more income and to protect against further downside action. Those trades are also updated in the trade table.
Bank Of Nova Scotia Stock (BNS) Trades For 2014 Update
All active trades are highlighted in yellow and marked active. To understand the trade table for active trades, if there have been roll-outs or roll-downs, running totals are in the final column, highlighted in yellow. The keys are shown in below. The most important aspect to follow with roll-outs and/or roll-downs is the income to date is shown with cost to roll-out of down being in brackets. The smallest figure and/or final figure is commissions paid to date for the Bank Of Nova Scotia Stock trades.
BNS Stock Income Growing But Focus Now On Capital Reduction
Income is continuing to grow in BNS Stock but the focus now is on reduction of capital in use. The main reason for so much of my portfolio being focused on BNS Stock is the terrific premiums and the high volatility due to the October correction in stocks and the news of the write-down and layoffs. This keeps put premiums very attractive.
Canada Members should take time out to review all active trades to see how the stock assignments or purchases as well as roll-outs and/or roll-downs are being handled. This is an excellent way to learn about the value of focusing on trade and keeping income pouring into a portfolio no matter what the stock itself is doing. It is a great way to learn about how to adjust positions and handle a declining stock.
Bank Of Nova Scotia Stock To August 26 2014
Trades that are still being adjusted now extend back to August 26. FullyInformed Canada Members can review the latest BNS Stock trades for 2014 directly through this link or they can sign in to the full Canada members site here. Non-members can join here or read about the benefits of being a member.
Disclaimer: There are risks involved in all investment strategies and investors can and do lose capital. Trade at your own risk. Stocks, options and investing are risky and can result in considerable losses. None of the strategies, stocks or information discussed and presented are financial or trading advice or recommendations. Everything presented and discussed are the author’s own trade ideas and opinions which the author may or may not enter into. The author assumes no liability for topics, ideas, errors, omissions, content and external links and trades done or not done. The author may or may not enter the trades mentioned. Some positions in mentioned stocks may already be held or are being adjusted.
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