Microsoft Stock has been in my website portfolio since 2009. Microsoft stock symbol is MSFT and it trades on the NASDAQ Index. Microsoft Stock continues to be unloved by many investors just as the company does by analysts. This is excellent for my purposes as Microsoft Stock continued to stay within a trading range which has made my Put Selling and the odd stock trade highly profitable. Since starting online with Microsoft Stock in 2009, every year has seen double-digit returns. Most investors continue to apply a buy and hope strategy on this stock content to earn the current annual dividend of .92 cents. Personally I would never place my capital at risk for a return of about 3% in a stock. I cannot explain why most investors fail to see the real value in stocks like Microsoft Stock. Microsoft is incredibly diverse and has above average profit margins. Over the past 4 years (2009 – 2012) Microsoft has doubled my investment through simply Put Selling and doing a handful of stock trades. Below are my trades for 2013.

Microsoft Stock (MSFT) Investment Strategy For 2013

I see no reason to change my strategy of Put Selling against Microsoft Stock. This has been the principal method in use since 2009. With the stock now fully recovered from the bear market of 2008 – 2009 I can become more aggressive with my Put Selling. I will at times be Put Selling a handful of in the money naked puts and let the stock move up to my strikes. I will explain these types of Put Selling trades as they occur. I will also do the odd stock trade when I feel the stock is undervalued. You can review my profits through color coding strategy for Microsoft Stock through this link as it explains a lot about what I am doing with Microsoft Stock to boost returns.

Microsoft Stock (MSFT Stock) Trades For 2013 – Year 5

Microsoft Stock (MSFT Stock) TRADE STATS:
Capital Currently In Use:
Income Earned in 2013: $22,388.00
Total Income Earned Since Trade Started In 2009: $54,213.10
Total Of My Own Capital Required If All Naked Puts Were Assigned: $87,726.90
Number Of Shares If All Naked Puts Were Assigned: 4000
Share Price Valuation(Total Capital Required/Number of shares): $21.93

Review Microsoft Stock Trades For 2013
Review Microsoft Stock Trades For 2012
Review Microsoft Stock Trades For 2011
Review Microsoft Stock Trades For 2010
Review Microsoft Stock Trades For 2009
Review All Portfolios for US Stocks
Review All Portfolios for Canada Stocks
Review All Retirement Portfolios
Date Stock At
Time Of
Action Taken (All Figures Are US Dollars)
Commission is $1.00 per option contract plus $5.00 per trade
Comm. Shares
In Use
Gain/Loss Total
Nov 7 2012
29.10 Sell To Open (STO) 5 Naked Puts Microsoft Stock Jan $26 for .53 (status: expired)
10.00 13010.00 255.00
Nov 13 2012 26.80 Sell To Open (STO) 5 Naked Puts Microsoft Stock Feb $26 for .98 (status: expired) 10.00 13010.00 480.00
Nov 16 2012 26.40 Sell To Open (STO) 6 Naked Puts Microsoft Stock Jan $25 for .70 (status: expired) 11.00 15011.00 409.00
Nov 16 2012 26.40 Sell To Open (STO) 3 Naked Puts Microsoft Stock Jan 13 $25 for .50 (status: expired) 8.00 7580.00 142.00
Nov 16 2012 26.40 Sell To Open (STO) 3 Naked Puts Microsoft Stock Apr 13 $24 for .80 (status: expired) 8.00 7280.00 232.00
Nov 16 2012 26.40 Sell To Open (STO) 3 Naked Puts Microsoft Stock 18Jan2014 $23 for $1.77 (Status: BTC May 3 2013 for .20) 8.00 6980.00 523.00 31825.10
Total Income earned to the end of 2012 31825.10
The above are the remaining trades from 2012. You can review the Microsoft Stock 2012 Trades through this link. Total capital earned in 2012 = $14668.10 / $62,665.00 capital in use = 23.4% return

All Microsoft Stock Trades Below Are in 2013
Commission $1.00 per contract + $5.00 per trade
Jan 8 26.55 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 16FEB13 $26 Strike for $.62  (status: expired)
Comments: Read this article to understand this trade on Microsoft Stock
10.00 13010.00 300.00 32125.10
Jan 8 26.55 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 16MAR13 $25 Strike for $.45 (status: expired)
Comments: Read this article to understand this trade on Microsoft Stock
10.00 13010.00 215.00 32340.10
Jan 11 26.45 Bought 500 shares of Microsoft Stock for $26.45  (status: sold Jan 29 for $28.00)
Comments: Read this article to understand this trade. 
5.00 500 (13225.00) 32340.10
Jan 11 26.45 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 16MAR13 $26 Strike for $.98 (status: expired)
Comments: Read this article to understand this trade. 
15.00 26015.00 965.00 33305.10
Jan 18 27.25 Jan Options Expiry: $25 and $24 naked put strikes expired 33305.10
Jan 29 28.00 Sold 500 shares of Microsoft Stock for $28.00 5.00 0 13995.00 770.00 34075.10
Feb 15 28.01 Feb Options Expiry: $26 naked put strikes expired 34075.10
Feb 21 27.35 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 16MAR13 $27 Strike for $.63 (status: expired) 10.00 13510.00 305.00 34380.10
Mar 11 27.70 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 20APR13 $27 Strike for $.70 (status: expired) 10.00 13510.00 340.00 34720.10
Mar 15 28.04 March Options Expiry: Naked Puts at $25, $26 and $27 expired 34720.10
Mar 26 28.15 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 20APR13 $28 Strike for $.44 (status: expired)
Comments: Select this link to read the trade alert 
10.00 14010.00 210.00 34930.10
Mar 26 28.15 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 18MAY13 $27 Strike for $.36 (Status: BTC May 3 for 1 cent)
Comments: Select this link to read the trade alert
10.00 13510.00 170.00 35100.10
Apr 1 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 20APR13 $28 Strike for $.30 (status: expired)
Comments: Select this link to read about the background to this trade 
10.00 14010.00 140.00 35240.10
Apr 5 28.20 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 18MAY13 $28 Strike for $1.05 (Status: BTC May 3 for 2 cent)
15.00 28015.00 1035.00 36275.10
Apr 11 28.85 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 8 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 20APR13 $28.00 put strike for $0.24 (status: expired) 13.00 22413.00 179.00 36454.10
Apr 20 29.78 April Options Expiry: naked puts at $24, $27 and $28 expired
Apr 22 30.40 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 20 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 18MAY13 $33 put strike for $2.90 (status: expired)
Comments: With the announcement today by ValueAct that they have purchased $2 billion of Microsoft Stock as believe it is undervalued I am confident from the last run-up in stock that Microsoft Stock will reach $33.00 easily but should be able to reach $35.00 by sometime in Mid-May to early June. This kind of announcement always pushing a stock. I am using the “Walk That Profit Home To Momma” strategy which is available on the Members Site for those interested in following along. I will be closing the other two May put strikes probably by the start of May for mere pennies. This stock is moving a lot higher from here thanks to ValueAct.
25.00 66,025.00 5775.00 42229.10
Apr 22 30.40 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 18MAY13 $31 put strike for $1.20 (status: expired)
15.00 31.015.00 1185.00 43414.10
Apr 26 31.57 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 18MAY13 $32 put strike for $1.05 (status: expired)
15.00 32,015.00 1035.00 44449.10
May 3 33.45 BTC 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 18MAY13 $27 strike for .01 10.00 (15.00) 44434.10
May 3 33.45 BTC 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 18MAY13 $28 strike for .02 15.00 (35.00) 44399.10
May 3 33.45 BTC 3 Microsoft Stock naked puts 18Jan2014 $23 for $.20 8.00 (68.00) 44331.10
May 10 32.50 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 22JUN13 $32 put strike for $.72 (status: expired) 15.00 32015.00 705.00 45036.10
May 17 34.87 May Options Expiry: $33, $32 and $31 puts expired
May 24 33.99 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 22JUN13 $33 put strike for $.52 (status: expired) 15.00 33015.00 505.00 45541.10
Jun 21 33.37 June options expiry: $33 and $32 naked puts expired
Jun 24 32.65 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 17AUG13 $31 put strike for $.55 15.00 31015.00 535.00 46076.10
Jul 15 36.10 Buy To Close (BTC) 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 17AUG13 $31 put strike for .10 cents 15.00 (115.00) 45961.10
Jul 19 31.64 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 17AUG13 $30 put strike for $.27 (status expired)
15.00   30015.00 255.00 46216.10
Aug 6 31.55 Sell to Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21SEP13 $30 put strike for .65 (BTC Aug 23 for 3 cents) 15.00 30015.00 635.00 46851.10
Aug 15 30.95 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21SEP13 $30 put strike for .60 (BTC Aug 3 for 3 cents) 15.00 30015.00 585.00 47436.10
Aug 16 31.80 August 17 Options expiry $30 naked put strike expired
Aug 23 35.15 Buy To Close (BTC) 20 Microsoft Stock 21SEP13 $30 naked puts for 3 cents 25.00 (85.00) 47351.10
Aug 29 33.80 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21SEP13 $31 put strike for .21 (status: expired)
Comments: Read this article to understand the strategy behind this trade.
15.00   31015.00 195.00 47546.10
Sep 3 31.30 Sell To Open (STO) Microsoft Stock 5 Naked Puts 19OCT13 expiry $29 put strike for $0.37 (status: expired)
Comments: Read this article to understand this trade.
10.00 14510.00 175.00 47721.10
Sep 3 31.30 Sell To Open (STO) Microsoft Stock 5 Naked Puts 16NOV13 $30 put strike for $0.91 (BTC Nov 6 for 1 cent)
Comments: Read this article to understand this trade.
10.00   15010.00 445.00 48166.10
Sep 5
31.00 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 15 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21SEP13 $31 put strike for .55 (BTC Sep 11 for 8 cents)
(Status: BTC Sep 11 for 8 cents)
20.00 31015.00 805.00 48971.10
Sep 11 32.70 Buy To Close (BTC) 15 naked puts Microsoft Stock 21Sep13 $31 for .08 cents (status: expired)
20.00 (140.00) 48831.10
Sep 20 32.79 Sep Options expiry: $31 naked puts expired
Sep 24 32.50 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 19OCT13 $31 put strike for .33 (status: expired)  15.00 31015.00 315.00 49146.10
Oct 9 33.00 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 16NOV13 $31 put strike for .50 (Status: BTC Oct 25 for 4 cents)
15.00 31015.00 485.00 49631.10
Oct 18 34.96 Oct Options Expiry: $29 and $31 naked puts expired
Oct 25 36.00 Buy To Close (BTC) 10 naked puts Microsoft Stock 16NOV13 $31.00 put strike for 4 cents. 15.00 (55.00) 49576.10
Nov 1 35.39 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21DEC13 $33 put strike for .35 (status: BTC Nov 22 for 7 cents)
15.00   33015.00 335.00 49911.10
Nov 6 38.00 Buy To Close (BTC) 5 naked puts 16NOV13 $30 for .01
Comment: Read this article which explains this trade.
10.00 (15.00) 49896.10
Nov 6 37.45 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21DEC13 $35 put strike for .38
Comment: Read this article which explains the Put Selling ladder I am starting  (status: expired)
10.00   17490.00 180.00 50076.10
Nov 13 36.95 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21DEC13 $35 put strike for .52
Comments: This article discusses this trade (status: expired)
15.00   35015.00 505.00 50581.10
Nov 13 36.95 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 7 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21DEC13 $36 put strike for .72
Comments: This article discusses this trade. (status: expired)
12.00   25212.00 492.00 51073.10
Nov 18 37.20 Sell To Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21DEC13 $35 put strike for .41
Comments: This article discusses selling covered calls on Microsoft Stock. (status: expired)
10.00   17510.00 195.00 51268.10
Nov 19 36.75 Sell to Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Microsoft Stock Naked Puts 21DEC13 $34 put strike for .24 (BTC Dec 6 for 5 cents)
Comments: This concludes the put ladder at present. I am now holding the $33, $34, $35 and $36 put strikes.
15.00   34015.00 225.00 51493.10
Nov 22 37.60 Buy to close 10 naked puts 21DEC13 $33 put strike for .07 cents
Comments: This drops the lowest rung from the put ladder. I am now hold the $34, $35, $36.
15.00 (85.00) 51408.10
Dec 5 37.20 Sell to Open (STO) Put Selling 5 Naked Puts 18JAN14 $37.00 put strike for $1.24
Comments: This article discusses the next step in the Put Selling ladder strategy
To view his this trade ended Review Microsoft Stock Trades for 2014
10.00   18510.00 610.00 52018.10
Dec 5 37.42 Sell to Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Naked Puts 18JAN14 $35.00 put strike for $0.55
Comments: This article discusses the rolling out of this strike to maintain the Put Selling ladder.
To view his this trade ended Review Microsoft Stock Trades for 2014
15.00   35015.00 535.00 52553.10
Dec 5 37.42 Sell to Open (STO) Put Selling 10 Naked Puts 18JAN14 $34.00 put strike for $0.38
Comments: This article discusses the rolling out of this strike to maintain the Put Selling ladder.
To view his this trade ended Review Microsoft Stock Trades for 2014
15.00   34015.00 365.00 52918.10
Dec 6 38.38 Buy To Close (BTC) 10 Naked Puts 21DEC13 $34 put strike for .05 15.00 (65.00) 52853.10
Dec 18 35.78 Sold (Sell To Open – STO) 15 naked puts 18JAN14 expiry $36.00 put strike for $0.92
To view his this trade ended Review Microsoft Stock Trades for 2014
20.00 54400.00 1360.00 54213.10
Dec 20 36.80 Dec options expiry: 20 $35 puts expired / 7 $36 puts expired

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